Saturday, 22 November 2014

Lagi-lagi cerita paranormal

Oh my goodness. I've found some exciting new book series on youtube. By the look and how incredible the book trailer is..i'm totally hooked. The covers of the book series is amazing and the book review also looks promising enough to make me wanna own the book and read it. Thanks to the internet! And then again, saya memang ketinggalan tersangat jauh, buku ni kena publish tahun 2009. *whatttt...??* Takpelahh..time 2009 pun saya masih sibuk dengan study and whatnots. Sekarang dah takde nak buat apa pun. Tengah store sang lemak kat badan je keja hari-hari so banyak time nak membaca.

Tajuk buku yang saya terjumpa kat Youtube ni bertajuk Bad Girls don't Die series. Saya ni peminat buku berseries, saya suka cerita yang lambat habis *can't get enough* kalau boleh taknak habis. Temaha @ kedekut saya ni. LoL. Tajuk buku #1 series ni ialah Bad Girls Don't Die, #2  From Bad to Curse and yang #3 As Dead As it's Gets.

Bad Girls don't Die #1

Bad Girls Don't Die (Bad Girls Don't Die, #1)

And the book trailer is below:

So, what do you guys think? Kalau saya, memang dah tertarik sangat dengan book trailer ni. Tell me what you guys think. :) I'll be so happy to hear from you guys. Hope this helps!! 

1 comment:

  1. That looks interesting!! :D Hope you can visit my blog. Let me know what you think about it and if you wanna follow each other.

    MY BLOG: Sammie The Stargirl


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