Monday 6 October 2014

8DPO symptoms! I hope i'm not imagining this

Hello guys, it's been like what..1 month or 2 since the miscarriage and honestly i don't wanna believe that i'm actually felt preg? LOL. I just know something is totally off (which is good) with my body and I've been temping every single day. I realize that my temp is actually high (35.8-37 c), which is not normal for me. Or maybe i'm just imagining it? Well, i don't even bother about the symptoms, besides we were taking a break from TTC this month. TTC is a stressing thing to do and i just can't stand looking at the stick with a single line! I'm actually 8dpo today and been planning to POAS on 12dpo or 14dpo. I'm praying for 2 lines.

The symptoms i got after the 1st day past ovulation is: 
  • Cramping. Which is not normal, i used to have cramps on the day i got my period.
  • High BBT. (35.8 C - 37.3 C)
  • Feeling hot
  • Decrease of apetite
  • Constipation (too much info, Sorry!)
  • Vivid dreams. I remember i got this dreams that i'm strolling twins baby boy. What the...?!
At this point, i really don't wanna hope so much but still it would be great if i actually got a BFP this month. I know it's not my fault that i had lost the baby before, but experience teaches us what to do and do not do. I hope the lazy nurse stop listening music and stop socializing while on duty! But sorry to say, i'm not planning on going to the same clinic anymore, because who the hell wants to do that. I felt sorry who ever comes to that clinic because it was sucks, paracetamol alone doesn't fix it all. 

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